Our Approach
The Nebraska Airedale Terrier Association (NATA) was founded in the mid 1990's by a small but dedicated group of Airedale fanciers. Its primary purpose is to promote the best interests of the Airedale Terrier in the area.
Our Story
NATA offers a variety of resources, services, and educational opportunities to its members and interested Airedale owners:
NATA News is published quarterly. Each issue includes articles on health concerns, upcoming events, topics of seasonal interest, concerns about environmental issues, and general pet care and maintenance.
NATA sponsors, AireDaze, each spring and fall, to provide members and their Airedales the opportunity to socialize, participate in mini-seminars, and support the club through it's fund-raising activities. A variety of hand-crafted Airedale items are available for purchase; please check out our "NATA's Boutique"!
Funds generated through "NATA's Boutique" help support Airedale Terrier Rescue throughout the area. For more information about rescue, please contact slingelbach@msn.com. For a list of regional rescue volunteers, please visit the Airedale Terrier Club of America's (ATCA) website at www.airedale.org. If you'd like to "see" rescue in operation, please visit Rescue.
"Shear Madness" a grooming clinic to assist pet owners in learning how to groom their Airedale Terriers, is offered each spring and fall by NATA. Individual grooming sessions are also available. In addition, NATA offers a cooperative purchasing program and a "lending" library to its members.
For a membership application, or more information about the club, please contact the club secretary at secretary@nebraska-airedales.com